It’s the latter in the case of Zooroona, a ten-minute walk from Kalamazoo College’s campus, located up the hill on West Main.
The waiter, a part-time college student who could double as a professional salesman, argues that Zooroona offers the best Middle Eastern food in the state. Then he changes his mind: it’s the best in the United States. No, that’s not good enough either. It’s better than the food in Middle Eastern countries themselves, he says.
But it isn’t just the food that gives this waiter the confidence to boast. He says anything that looks like an antique is actually an antique. That’s a bold statement, considering that almost every piece of tarnished furniture and stained-glass-covered lantern has the potential to fool the average college kid who’s not aspiring to a career as an art historian. (Forget the part where he mutters that the Moroccan chairs are purchased from World Market a few miles away.)
The restaurant begs its visitors to perceive the antiquity of its décor as different from that of places like Applebee’s (which the waiter was quick to criticize) that give the allusion of antiquity with its faded prints and vintage posters. There’s no denying that Zooroona, with its hanging bejeweled lamps and tabletop candlelight, offers a serene and romantic setting that is unparalleled in Kalamazoo.
Everything about Zooroona appeals to the senses, not excluding the cuisine. Appetizers run from $6 to $8, while the aklaat, or dinner entrees, run from $12 to $22. It’s a relatively cheap ticket abroad for the Kalamazoo College-employed student earning $7.40 an hour.
At Zooroona, two or three hours worth of pay is well spent—for the most part.
The waiter has one more exaggeration to contribute, though initially hard to believe upon discovering that Zooroona doesn’t offer the best Middle Eastern food in the world. “People’s hands shake because it’s so amazing,” he says referencing Zooroona’s surprisingly neglected date cake.
It’s a dessert with little curb appeal but with a taste that makes it easy to believe the waiter when he says that it frequently elicits verses of sweet poetry from Western Michigan University students written on the walls by the restrooms. Great things come in small packages—or more specifically, a two-by-four-inch spiced square with a warm interior, topped with homemade whipped cream and slices of sweet chewy date. Only the greatest of friends would be willing to share with each other.
The same can’t be said about an ambitious rice pudding, created by a culinary-torch-happy chef who unsuccessfully imitates the caramelized sugar topping of crème brulee. Stick to one or the other, please.
Zooroona accomplishes a lot in the modest space it occupies. And what is a waiter if not a restaurant’s most important advocate. Never mind the hyperboles, as long as they are somewhat justified. At Zooroona, they certainly are.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your review. I thought your description of the over-confident, even uppity waiter was hilarious. I liked how your voice was easily distinguishable throughout the text, and that you wrote with your audience in mind.
I was a little confused, however, by the first paragraph in which you start describing the food. You say that the soup has a distinct Moroccan taste. For someone who has never been to Morocco, I am having trouble deciding what you mean by that. Though you do describe the soup later, I had trouble deciding whether it was the color, spiciness, texture, etc.. making it "Moroccan."
I really liked this piece, and now am eager to try Zoorona. It was interesting to see the differences between your piece and Alexis' and Nora's.
Great job, Emily!
ReplyDeleteI really liked that you had a character, the waiter, as a frame and guide through your piece. Even better is that he is a college student, just like your target audience. Ha, I noticed that you, like the waiter, exaggerated a bit when you said "Everything about Zooroona appeals to the senses, not excluding the cuisine"--didn't you have over cooked meat?
The food descriptions are lovely--even the disappointing Kabobs are made up for by the incredible dessert. I loved your detail about WMU students writing poetry about it--but could you maybe talk about how it actually tastes a little more? This would provide evidence for your opinion of how good it is.
Could you maybe use the waiter to show how fast/slow the service was, or if he suggested any items (besides the dessert)? I thought it was really interesting to read this review after Nora and Alexis'--they are all so different! Great start!
Emily, this was such an enjoyable read. Your food descriptions were great, as was your incorporation of the waiter--you managed to include details of a specific dining experience that captured your overarching idea that the wait staff at Zooroona is a little off. You wrote for your audience very well, and maintained a solid (and enjoyable-to-read) reviewer's voice throughout the piece.
ReplyDeleteI would like to echo Julia's comments about the food--it would be helpful to know more about what the food tasted like. I also wondered if you really meant that "Everything about Zooroona appeals to the senses," because it seems that you aren't head-over-heels for every dish you tried.
I suppose after reading Nora's piece I'm curious as to whether or not you had any drinks, and if so, what you thought of them. I agree with the other commenters in that it's very enjoyable noting the different experiences that you, Nora and Alexis each had at Zooroona.
One last suggestion lies in your description of the soups; you note that the lentil option is "safer" than the spicy tomato-based soup. I wonder how it was safer and if this word might be too subjective for the situation (based on suggestions made in workshop today).
Overall I think this is a great piece, Emily, that is both helpful and entertaining.
This is a great draft, Emily!
ReplyDeleteI love the character of the waiter -- your descriptions of him really add a lot to the piece, and gave more character to the restaurant itself. Your descriptions of the food were good, but I also wanted more about the actual taste -- there is one section on the shrimp where you say it was "marinated to perfection" might consider describing what something that's perfectly marinated tastes like!
Despite the kabobs (which were less than satisfactory for me as well!), your theme of good food and atmosphere for a great value runs throughout the piece. I like that you end on a positive note with the date cake, it keeps that theme clear.
One small thing you could add would be description of people who frequent this restaurant; we get a good sense that it's great for college students, as you mention WMU and K College, so maybe this would be a good piece for the Index!
Really great work on this!
Well done! The whole experience is beautifully described and each section flows really well into the next. Great concise and snappy language throughout the whole piece. I loved the character you establish with the waiter. I would like a few physical details about him though, it would help me picture him talking and the way he carries himself.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see some more specifics about the decor and the ambiance. We get from you that "everything about Zooroona appeals to the senses," but we never get any concrete details about the decorations or the general feeling of the restaurant. We hear from the waiter that everything that looks like an antique actually is one, but I'd like to see some vivid descriptions of these antiques.
Great job!
I'm wondering if the waiter came off as annoying? He sounded like he was verging on obnoxious the way you described him. I think he was a well-used tool guiding us through your piece, but I would either be even more explicit about his genuineness or pull back a bit? I think he works well, I just don't know if I got the vibe you were going for.
ReplyDeleteI love the description of the date cake, that it "frequently elicits verses of sweet poetry from Western Michigan University students written on the walls by the restrooms." That was great. It says that the dessert is great, but also that its the kind of place where people graffiti the bathroom walls.
One suggestion I would make is to show more of the romantic and serene atmosphere you refer to. From the description of the decor, it sounds more mesmerizing and ancient than romantic. Maybe another descriptor would be better suited?
Your ending is a nice, conclusive statement about Zooroona. I think you painted a really honest picture of the restaurant and overall it would be really helpful for a reader!
Could I be any happier that you link to The Index website? Probably not. (...and on another media note: your pictures are Great.)
ReplyDeleteI love your lead and the waiter, as a character. You obviously did some reporting to get him to open up like he did. Too fun. I did worry that in portions (toward the beginning, more) you allowed him to be the authority and didn't cease command for yourself as a reviewer. He's an interesting vehicle. I like him. -but I wondered if your order choices were too much influenced by him.
I would be curious to know how your picky eating played into writing this review (part III, right) ... but I liked that you kept yourself out of it, despite the struggle you anticipated.
Also good: I bringing it back to the context of K and a student budget... and answering the question "Is it worth it?"
I was really confused about what antiques have to do with Middle Eastern food. I really like that you start out taking about the wait staff though. That seems to be a unique part of Zooroona. Nice reference to study abroad! I love your food descriptions. I was a little unclear however, if this is a mixed review or if you really liked it until the very end. What is curb appeal?
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this review Emily! You made it both interesting, informative, and funny, and your voice was very strong throughout.
ReplyDeleteThe character of the waiter was a great, and I was happy to see him show up at the end in the dessert section.
For suggestions, the only one I have is that you describe the setting a little more. You mention what may or may not be antiques, but we never really see them. If they are all over the restaurant I bet the place has a pretty cool atmosphere.
Also, your descriptions of the food are excellent, detailing both the good and the bad. Since there is a mix of positive and negative reviews, perhaps you can end the piece with a more definitive statement of whether or not Zooroona is worth the trip.
Mmm, so many people reviewed this place, i have to check it out sometime! i liked that you focused on the wait staff as well as the food&setting, that was a good choice. however, by the end i was a little unsure where your but was, and just how you felt on the whole about this place. maybe shoring up your conclusion a little with what you thought overall would help.
ReplyDeleteYou do an absolutely wonderful job! I could hear the sarcasm when you were talking about the waiter. Though you do take a few paragraphs to do this, I don’t feel that it is too much or takes away from the descriptions of the food. I like that you described the waiter, while we’ve already heard much about the actual interior in a different light in other reviews.
I laughed aloud many times while reading, and the analogies you used were great!
My only criticism would be the ending. You obviously have mixed feelings, but I think to end more on the positive date cake than the unimpressive rice pudding would be a better choice.
Fantastic work Emily!